The Government of India has taken the following steps to promote the domestic steel industry and enhance steel production:
(i) Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) framework adopted to encourage large capacity green field projects in iron ore rich States of Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Karnataka.
(ii) Public sector units have undertaken expansion plans to increase the steel production capacity. SAIL has undertaken modernization & expansion plan to enhance its crude steel production capacity from 12.8 MTPA to 21.4 MTPA. RINL has undertaken expansion and modernization of its capacity from 3 MTPA to 7.3 MTPA. NMDC has undertaken setting up of a new steel plant of 3 MTPA.
(iii) Notified the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Amendment Act, 2015 on 30.03.2015 to streamline coal block allocations.
(iv) Notified the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 on 27.03.2015 to streamline grant of mining leases and to improve raw material security.
(v) Notified Steel and Steel Product (Quality Control) Order dated 12.03.12 (as last amended on 04.12.14) for production and import of quality steel.