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Siemens to increase R&D investment by €300 million

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 11 December 2015

New unit to create more space for founder and startup culture

To strengthen the innovation and technology expertise of the company as a whole, Siemens has also established a scientific council. The Siemens Technology & Innovation Council (STIC) closely supports the Managing Board in systematically analyzing and monitoring strategic topics in the areas of technology and innovation.

The STIC comprises Siemens' Chief Technology Officer Siegfried Russwurm and seven internationally experienced and respected experts from the research and scientific communities.

As agreed upon with its employee representatives in Germany, Siemens is also launching an investment fund to strengthen its employees' power of innovation in a targeted manner.

For this purpose, the company is making up to €100 million available over the next three years ‒ in addition to the €300 million in increased R&D investment in the current fiscal year.

In the first year, around €10 million will be paid into the fund in Germany alone. This money will be used to foster creative employee ideas with an economic benefit.

Unlike the projects financed by Innovation AG, these ideas do not have to focus exclusively on new technologies or new businesses in order to be worthy of support - they can also target improved processes, services or better customer retention.

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