India outperformed its economic peers in the Central and Southern Asian Region (CSA) and positioned itself as innovation achiever in the Lower-Middle Income Category.
Overall India ranked 81st in the Global Innovation Index 2015, published by Cornell University, INSEAD France, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in London on 17th September 2015. CII is the Knowledge Partner. The study ranked 141 economies across the world on their innovation capacity and efficiency.
"The GII underlines the steady outperformance of India on innovation relative to its level of development", says Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
"We applaud the new innovation policies put in place by the new Indian government, which are not yet effectively captured by the data used in the GII. Some of these measures have already had a positive impact on the build-up of innovation momentum and entrepreneurial mood in the country, and we expect this trend to grow in the coming months and years."
He also pointed out that "Relative fall in India's overall ranking this year is due to availability of old data up-to 2103-14 period, and it does not truly reflect the performance of the economy in last one year. We believe that with the present growth trend the future ranking for India is going to improve as the data get revised and as the Government continues to perform towards a development oriented growth path".
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