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SSWL to set up a Alloy Wheel Plant at Gujarat

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 22 September 2015

Ties up with South Korea’s Kalink Co. Ltd

In view of the increased in demand of Alloy Wheel Rims, Steel Strips Wheels Ltd. (SSWL), has decided to set up a most modern Alloy Wheel manufacturing facility.

The plant will be set up at Mehsana, Gujarat for an initial capacity of 1.5 million Alloy Wheel Rims p.a with sizes ranging from "14" to 19".  For the said purpose, SSWL has entered into an agreement with South Korea based Kalink Co. Ltd. According to a Company statement, the new plant will address the growing demand of alloy wheels from OEM vs. the current supply and expected capacity in the next five years and also India's strategic advantage in exporting these wheels.

Kalink Co. Ltd has also agreed to invest an amount equivalent to US$ 2 million by subscribing equity shares in SSWL as per applicable Acts, rules and regulations and as per the terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed between both the parties.

Klink, Co. Ltd is a leading Alloy Wheel manufacturer and is having manufacturing facilities in Korea and China with a total manufacturing capacity of 4.5 million wheel rims p.a and is supplying to major OEM viz volkswagen, Nissan and Chrysler etc.