Boeing completes 777X firm configuration

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 31 August 2015

Milestone establishes basic airplane design; program on track for first delivery in 2020.

The firm configuration milestone marks the completion of configuration trade studies required to finalize the airplane's capability and basic design. Wind tunnel test results, aerodynamic performance and structural loads are also evaluated to ensure the airplane meets requirements. This allows the 777X team to begin detailed design of parts, assemblies and other systems for the airplane. As detailed designs are completed and released, production can begin.

"The program is right where we want it to be," added Feldmann. "We have an airplane and production system that are on track and on schedule, and we remain laser focused on meeting our commitments to our customers."

The 777X will be the largest and most efficient twin-engine jet in the world, with 12 percent lower fuel consumption and 10 percent lower operating costs than the competition. In addition, the 777X will bring cabin innovations and improved levels of passenger comfort.

The 777X program has received orders and commitments for 320 airplanes from six customers worldwide. Production is set to begin in 2017.

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