With the objective of sensitising the automotive industry on how new technologies can emerge as differentiators in new age vehicles, Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) jointly with Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) organised a National Conference on Driving Affordable and Accessible Technology Innovations yesterday in New Delhi.
The conference also focussed on impact of the disruptive technologies and changes in regulatory environment on business models of the vehicle industry and the auto component manufacturers.
Recognising the imperatives of technology and its future implications Vinnie Mehta, Director General, ACMA said, "Through this initiative we have tried to provide the industry a perspective on emerging affordable and accessible technologies in automotive sector.
As India catches up with new technology trends such as light weighting, electrification of powertrains, safety and emission norms, the domestic industry will have to evolve to meet the stake-holders expectations.
The Indian auto component industry endeavours to be among the top five global suppliers in the next few years; where technology will be a key driver in differentiating us from our competitors."
The conference brought together eminent industry players, Government representatives and other stakeholders to discuss the evolving technology trends. Leading automotive players like Maruti Suzuki, Sona Koyo, JBM, KPMG, Lucas TVS and Visteon Automotive, also presented their perspective.
Case studies from the vehicle and auto component manufacturers on topics such as enhancing localisation, electric vehicles, vehicular- connectivity, safety and auto electronics and supply chain competencies were presented.
Speaking on the occasion, Ambuj Sharma, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Heavy Industries (MOHI), said, "The Government, as part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020, has launched the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and) Electric vehicles (FAME) scheme that provides several incentives for R&D and innovation.
The government has made significant investments in Testing & Certifications facilities across the country. The industry should utilise this infrastructure for moving up the value chain."
According to a study by KPMG, ‘Emerging trends and technologies in the automotive sector- Supply chain challenges and opportunities', the usage of electronics in the automotive industry is increasing significantly.
"The global auto industry is converging with other industries to develop connected and safer vehicles to enhance in-vehicle experience. OEMs and auto component players in India will have to engineer low cost solutions without any compromise on quality to make technologies affordable and accessible", said Rajeev Singh, Partner and Head, Automotive Sector, KPMG in India.