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Current Issue

Lines of Gold

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 07 January 2015

While strengthening its position in the domestic market, the Sonalika Group is also aiming to grab a bigger share in the global pie, says AS Mittal, the Vice Chairman of the Group.

Sonalika started its journey in 1969 with the objective of facilitating the Green Revolution in the country. It was quite a small beginning but it had the seeds of a big dream.

AS Mittal, the Vice Chairman of the Sonalika Group Companies, recalls the modest start by calling it ‘A journey of humble beginning, sheer hard work, perseverance and God's mercy'.

Remarkably, Sonalika Agro Industries Corporation, the maiden venture of the Group, which was created to address the requirements of Indian farmers, has now evolved into a manufacturer of advanced agricultural implements taking care of the needs of global farmers. Today, the Company is amongst the top three tractor manufacturers in the country and has a substantial overseas presence.

Financial figures

Financial Year


(Rs Crore)


Rs3822 crore 


Rs2957 crore 


Rs2291 crore 


Rs1949 crore 

The year 1995 proved to be a turning point for the Group when ‘International Tractors Limited (ITL)' was incorporated with an aim to render top-quality services to the famers.

"Our focus has always been on helping the farmer grow. That's the reason our tractors bear testimony to great performance, unmatched quality and higher reliability in the market because of their better pulling power, minimal fuel consumption, highest back up torque, heavy duty components and low emission levels," Mittal says. Today ITL manufactures one of the widest ranges of tractors in the world - between 18 HP to 120 HP.

Robust R&D
The integrated R&D centre at the TTL plant has developed more than 30 products in five product platforms ranging from 18 hp to 120 hp tractors (Garden, Utility and Agriculture tractors) catering to more than 75 markets around the world.

It works in complete collaboration with production and sales, monitoring the day to day demand function of the market by developing products catering to it effectively. The centre integrates seven Centres of Excellence (CoE) under one roof: Product Development, Prototype build centre, Vendor (Supplier) Development, Design Implementation cell (ERN cell), Product Design & CAE Simulation centre, Product validation (Testing) centre, and Supplier Quality Control.

(Continued on the next page)