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Current Issue

Scaling the performance

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 15 January 2019

With focused approach, we shall be able to overcome challenges says Prashant Sardeshmukh, Director, MMC Hardmetal India, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Materials

Tell us about your key product displays at IMTEX
In the recent times Mitsubishi Japan has developed new products, like WJX, WSX445, FMAX & VPX Milling Cutters, New range of solid carbide drills for centering, chamfering & counter boring, CVD Diamond Coated Endmills for Graphite machining, GW Series Cutting Off & Grooving System, expanded range of iMX Exchangeable Head Endmill Series.

What are your expectations from this edition of IMTEX?
IMTEX has always brought up exciting opportunities for us. It attracts hundreds of globally acclaimed brands who display their technological prowess. Every time we have experienced overwhelming footfall and lot of prospective visitors. This time IMTEX is expected to offer more promise and something unique. We expect the seminars to be more pointed, highly insightful and interactive, with special emphasis on technological refinements and technological impact on ecological balance. This show will have spotlight on additive manufacturing and industry 4.0 and it will be helpful to remove many misconceptions associated with it, especially in Indian entrepreneurs. We look forward to put up very impressive show.

How has been the least year for your company?
Last year brought us equal amount of challenges and opportunities. I am not confining myself to our sales performance. I am talking about comprehensive performance. We took conscious efforts to bolster our team with special focus on harnessing young talent. We could scale impressive sales graph, better than we had projected. Our state-of-the-art Tech-Centre at Pune will add to our technological muscle.

What are your expectations from 2019?
We have stepped into the year 2019 with great hopes. With our focused approach and positive and confident mindset, we shall be able to overcome the challenges and turn them into opportunities. The general election is likely to have socialpolitical impact on the industry. But we will have to take it in our stride.We will be able to muster an impressive show.