Tell us about your key product displays at IMTEX
We are looking forward to IMTEX 2019. We will be displaying our full line of Surface Grinding machines - Reciprocating Table hydraulic Surface Grinding, Rotary Surface Grinding and Double Disk Grinding with NEW special features and specifications. We invite our customers and visitors to our booth and look forward to meeting them - this is always one of the most special benefits of participation.
Can you please tell us about one of the products that stand tall in the market?
One of the proven solutions that Alex Machine Tools provides is face grinding of Connecting Rods through Double Disk Grinding. Double Disk grinding is performed when both sides of a work-piece must be ground so that both surfaces are exactly plane and parallel. The work-piece is not fixed for this process, instead it is loosely placed in the ‘pocket' of the workpiece carrier. Then both sides of the work-piece are simultaneously machined between two grinding wheels. The upper grinding wheel is adjusted with the ‘tilt' setting, which allows the upper wheel to maintain the desired angle with the lower wheel. Thus, the gap between the grinding wheels is greater at the in-feed side than on the out-feed, resulting in the required amount of stock removal. Through regular dressing, the grinding wheels maintain their form and sharpness.
How has been the least year for your company?
The last year has been exciting for Alex, as we have developed several Special Purpose machines successfully - examples include a 7-axis SPM for the bearing industry and a multi-spindle SPM for the Ferrite industry. Industry 4.0 and complete load, unload and gaging automation is an area that we have given special attention.
What are your expectations from 2019?
Year 2019 will be an exciting year for us as we will continue to strengthen our presence in the Surface Grinding market. The export market, new developments and extension of our full line of Surface Grinding will also be key focus areas for us in 2019.