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Moving towards e-mobility

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 25 April 2018

Nishant Arya, Executive Director, JBM Group talks to The Machinist about trends and challenges in the e-mobility segment.

What are the challenges in the manufacturing of EVs? How far the technology for the same is evolved in the country?

Certainly there are challenges to be overcome. But with almost all major OEMs putting in their best synergies forward in developing EVs and the support infrastructure, I am sure that these challenges will be a thing of the past very soon. The industry is working towards achieving the same as a cohesive unit with the support of the government. The government can be the largest buyer of electric vehicles and that will lead to economies of scale for the industry. This will, in turn, also lead to setting up of charging stations across the country.

Talking about technology, the best thing is that it is continuously evolving. What looked difficult yesterday seems possible today and will be a reality tomorrow. Electric is also a technology that is evolving and new ways of charging are being developed that will make electric vehicles operate for longer distance in a single charge.

Having said that, the current efficiency is sufficient for intra-city travel. For instance, JBM-Solaris ECO-LIFE, a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV), will save around 959 equivalent tons of carbon dioxide and 350,000 litres of diesel in over 10 years of operation. This is a huge evolution from how public transportation operates in India. ECO-LIFE can give a mileage of 150-200 kms in one charge, good enough for travelling on fixed routes. This is set to get even better with the evolution of technology.

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