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Current Issue

Making a difference

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 02 April 2018

Human resource is now considered as part of entrepreneurial capability in the expanding diverse market, says Nirmala Behera Udgata, Executive Director – Group HR, RSB Group

Nirmala on the shopfloor with her colleagues

How would you describe RSB Group's recruitment policy?
RSB recognizes people as its most valuable assets and hence attaches great importance to their selection. It is done with extreme care to match them with organizational requirements, i.e matching their skills, qualifications and experience with existing and potential vacancies. We strive to attract right people at every stage, create opportunity for their development and advance the best.
Manpower planning is done in the beginning of the year along with finalization of budget and business plan of the organization.
For any recruitment we start the process from Online PRF (Personnel Requisition Form), which is approved by concerned Plant Head and Vertical Heads. Thereafter, HR, on the basis of job description and job specification, starts sourcing the candidates and arrange CVs. This is followed by written test, aptitude test and interviews with HR, Departmental Heads, Vertical Heads and in case of senior or specialist positions, final interview is taken by Chairman/VC & MD. In case of selection of senior personnel. We also have a process of interview by Independent Directors as part of neutral and unbiased assessment. This process is then followed by compensation and benefits. 
The recruitment cycle gets completed once the employee joins and complete the formalities.
We are an equal opportunity employer irrespective of religion cast, creed, or gender. In RSB attracting the right talent is achieved through Campus Recruitment for MTs/GETs/DETs and other Technical candidates from ITIs. While we largely achieve our recruitment plan through recruitment of freshers, we do recruit a good number of experienced candidates for niche profiles as well as to get new and innovative ideas to the organization.

What initiatives have you implemented to create a positive and engaging work environment?
Our HR Systems and initiatives consist of systems and procedures that have a humane connect and provide ample space for the growth. The System gives opportunity to our people to take ownership of their areas of work and responsibility.
"TQM in HR" is done through seven key measures, viz. Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale & Environment based on responsibility and hierarchy established for each and every level of employees keeping in mind Group's Vision & Mission.  The performance in these measures is reviewed by the Management at planned intervals. Wherever there is gap, same is analysed and appropriate actions are initiated to improve the process rather than focusing only on results. This has brought about empowerment, boost in morale, sense of oneness and belongingness, significance of every one's contribution and laurels through awards and rewards.
The path to individual growth is open, unending and unhindered with focus on building and imbibing "Quality and Customer Service" in all respects. This has not only helped our company to emerge as a global player, but also have embedded the never-ending quest for excellence as the DNA of the organization. 
We have an open-door policy with walk-in access to members irrespective of rank and file to air grievances and to offer ideas and suggestions. The grievances and ideas are respectfully and seriously evaluated and implemented according to the merit. We are proud to say that many of our organizational and business improvements have their origin in these grievances and suggestions. While all said and done, we do not measure our success only by our top and bottom lines, but also by how much we have strengthened our core values and humanistic approach.
We ensure that our counselling extends beyond the ambits of the organization to the family members of our people as well. Through annual get-togethers, we connect with the family members and also understand their wellbeing and get valuable feedback. The Chairman's interaction with the people is institutionalized in the HR process through an activity titled ‘Heart to Heart to with Chairman' which keeps a tab on pulse of the people for gap, if any, and consequent corrective course. This activity has targets and regular review of its impact. Many improvement and new ideas owe their origin to this activity. This is an effective institutional tool for the top management to keep in constant connect with the rank and file. This keeps the channels of communication open and scope for surprises are eliminated.
We have annual award ceremonies at Jamshedpur plants, where colleagues who have excelled in their performance, are facilitated with their families by invited dignitaries, followed by greet-and-meet dining sessions.  Besides inter-plant cricket tournaments are held regularly, where our VC & MD, Executive Director and senior colleagues part-take as players with RSBians, capped by awards and accolades to winning and runner-up teams. 
We have monthly Employee-of-the-Month function at every plant where colleagues who have excelled in their areas of performance are facilitated with accolades and awards.

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