He calls the ordeal tiring but exhilarating. “It made me aware that there is a divine force which always conspires to grant success if there is deep conviction and strong desire to do something noble and good. This was a life changing experience for me. It infused in me the confidence and belief to take challenging projects and by the grace of God I have done that serially. This is one of the most memorable chapters in my life,” recollects Behera with nostalgia. Behera is also extremely emotional about his parents and believes that that the moral values and ethics he inherited from them are the moorings of his life. “Since childhood and even today they continue to inspire and motivate me. The values that I have imbibed from them help me to stand rock steady even in times adversities which have been many,” he says with gratitude. It is this emotional quotient that also motivated Behera to have a strong focus on people engagement. In fact, Behera has been leading the Company by mentoring and facilitating the top management, principally, in evolving the strategic roadmap of the Company and overseeing its implementation. Little wonder that today, the RSB Group is marching ahead propelled by innovation and efficiency. Behera’s simple mantra for staying ahead of competition is continually redefining and reinventing the organisation and its products. “Make your products continually redundant through research and development, lest global competition will make for you,” he emphasises. His personal vision for the organisation is to be amongst the most admired organisation with a significant global presence. END