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ACE Entrepreneur - Sunjay Kapur, VC & MD, Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd

By Niranjan Mudholkar,

Added 16 August 2014

“We should become like a sophisticated engineering app store for the global automotive OEMs, including those in India.”

His fetish for cars started at The Doon School, where he spent a lot of his spare time in the Motor Mechanics Shed. Of course, Sunjay Kapur, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, excelled in both academics as well as sports.

But it was while pursuing his BBA from The University of Buckingham (UK) that he started to compare the business and manufacturing processes in India with those in Europe; he then undertook several projects at Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, a company founded by his father.

In fact, earlier, while pursuing his studies, Kapur had already started working as a trainee at a TRW factory in the USA, through his father's network. It was during this period that he learnt about work discipline and work culture. He was assigned to the tool room where he learnt that even simple things like maintaining a log for tool parts was such an essential function in the larger scheme of manufacturing components. 

When Kapur came back to India he started working with the Group companies. Working through the ranks was one of the most grounding experiences for him. In his quest to take his legacy business forward and provide a turnkey solution to his customers, Kapur started an engineering design and outsourcing company in January of 2000 - Sona e-Design & Technologies Ltd.

Today the company caters to European and Japanese markets in the automotive and tool design industry, providing CAD/CAM/CAE solutions. The success of this company reflected his entrepreneurial abilities strongly. His second most successful project which got his company the ‘Best Start Up' Award in 2007 was Sona Mobility Services Ltd, a diversification into the car rental business.

All these experiences have taught Kapur to look at his manufacturing business from a service perspective. In fact, he is a big admirer of the culture of innovation in the IT industry and endeavours to replicate the same in his industry.