How would you describe a ‘Super Shopfloor'?
A ‘Super Shopfloor' can be described as a one-stop location to produce the right parts, in the right numbers, in the right time and the right quality at the lowest possible costs. While it does seem very theoretical at first glance, the challenge is how to bring efforts in a balance to the costs when it comes to actually doing. All impacting contributors have to be known, constantly monitored and maintained as fast reaction on deviations is crucial for success.
The shopfloor organisation itself is mainly responsible to manage the daily business. We have to be aware that it is not enough to focus just on the shopfloor organisation and processes since all business processes and organisations are involved, directly or indirectly, in enabling the shopfloor to perform well. Therefore, self-accountability is a crucial element and everybody must be aware that his or her personal work or decision will have an impact in the performance of the shopfloor.
The shopfloor has to earn money for the entire organisation and at the end of the day, customers will pay only for the ‘right' products. Considering that, the final goal is to continuously increase customer value and to reduce any kind of waste.
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