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Networked future

By Guest Author,

Added 10 February 2015

Industrial production of the future will be more networked and will be driven by intelligence. By Juergen Moessinger, Vice President Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions

The traditional centralised model of factory organisation is becoming more and more flexible and decentralised (smart factory). The production is based on active and passive connected objects, naturally communicating. All information about the products, machines, stock is available in real time and allows the dynamic optimisation of the manufacturing.

The increased flexibility, up to single piece production, enables the efficient production of customer tailored products. In first implementation the product tells the machines during its manufacturing which treatment is needs. Another important aspect is the linking-up of factories to form a production network that goes beyond individual companies. This horizontal integration allows huge improvements in productivity.

Reorganisation for improved efficiency: Networked industry is a new chapter in global competition that would write the most efficient production. The advent of Internet of Things has been a catalyst of development as it aims to deepen the knowledge of the entire value chain. Possible is also an individualised production at significantly lower costs - not to mention a far more flexible order of processing.

To survive this competition, currently we have to work in two directions. On the one hand it is essential rather a requisite for the networked production that we detect, and analyse data in real time. On the other hand, it is imperative that we begin to think in terms of new business models. Constantly striving for improvements, the world of cyber-physics holds tremendous opportunities that allow the current industry to improve processes where the supply chain is enormous.

From processes that administer the minutest for the detailing, industrial production of the future would have smart products taking corrective measures that could help divert damages and where spare parts are replaced automatically. A particularly good position for organisations to compete, where companies are positioned equally as providers and users of networked production.

Bosch supplies the engineering, development and testing of networked solutions. The Group's domain expertise lies especially in software and hardware and in particular sensor technology in combination with a vast manufacturing domain know how.

What is clearly emerging as first tell-tale signs of this experience is: The networked production of the future depends on the qualifications of the human factor. Increasingly specialisation in software and superior knowledge about manufacturing processes is seen as a must. Companies should not wait for the next industry revolution, it must prepare.