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Why, What and How of Training

By Swati Deshpande,

Added 03 October 2016

Training is considered an investment for future of the business. As per their goals, missions and vision different companies have different approach towards it. Know more about various companies’perspective towards training and how do the conduct the same.

It is the people of the organisation who make or break the company. Therefore, it is extremely important to have right people with right skill sets on board. "People constitute the very core of an enterprise and for an organisation to succeed, its people have to be productive and here is where training plays a pivotal role. It enables them acquire the requisite skills, be it new skills or sharpening existing ones, to get better and better at their workplace," believes George Menezes, Chairperson, Godrej ‘Disha', Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. This also has the salutary effect on the motivation and morale of people. "With the help of right training, employees' confidence level increases and it further leads to benefits such as ability to carry out work assigned in a better manner and willingness to take on more responsibility," mentions Shobha Narayan, CEO, Lift Academy.

Such increased confidence level boosts self-esteem and and naturally increases employees' productivity. "Hence, an enterprise must invest in their people, building their skill and knowledge base as it directly contributes to the development of not only the individual and enterprise but also the community and nation at large," adds Menezes.

Why training?
SANY Heavy Industry has different approach towards training. According to Kundan Naikde, Training in Charge, SANY Heavy Industry Pvt Ltd, "Every employee is either a fresher whose idea about the industry is limited or employees who come from different backgrounds. There are only a handful of employees who have relevant experience, which can be immediately put to work. Well planned and customised training programmes can address employee skill gaps, improve performance, provides consistency to experience and knowledge and also increases employee satisfaction. All these elements put together makes an employee more productive helping an organisation make the most of an employee's potential. With proper training and development programmes an employee becomes a valued asset of the company."

Bridging the skills gap is extremely important. "This is usually done through refresher programmes, which are short duration programmes to upskill an employee. In the design of the programme, we take into account the skills gap in the employees so that through the refresher the gaps are addressed and employees are upskilled," shares Narayan.

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