The first road show organised by the Laser World of Photonics India in Mumbai kick-started the series of road shows to be organised in several key industrial and academic cities of India leading up to the final exposition to be held in Bangalore from September 23-25, 2014.
The first road show on ‘Importance of Lasers in Metal Forming Industry' and ‘Modern advance research in Science using Lasers' took place on June 23, 2014 in Mumbai. India's renowned scientific and industrial experts, including Dr. Lalit Kumar, Managing Director, Laser Science, and Dr LM Kukreja, Head, Laser Materials Processing Division, RRCAT, were present at the roadshow. They are also actively involved with the Laser World of Photonics India.
Laser Application in metal forming: Laser forming has become a viable process for the shaping of metallic components, as a means of rapid prototyping, adjusting and aligning. Metal forming by using laser cladding, cutting, welding & hardening is a highly flexible, rapid and low-volume manufacturing process. The cost of the forming process is greatly reduced because no tools or external forces are involved.
Use of Laser in Scientific Research: The invention of laser has affected the field of scientific research to a very vast extent. Today scientists, lab technicians, engineers, and industrial technicians utilise lasers to perform a wide range of important tasks; as today a variety of customised laser technologies have been developed over the years.
The second roadshow of this series was held in Surat on June 27, 2014. The roadshow focused on the ‘Use of Laser Technology in Jewellery and Textile Industry' and was addressed by Dr. Arvind Patel, Managing Director, Sahajanand Laser Technology. "Surat being the diamond hub of India is always keen to upgrade and adopt the advancements in laser technology which helps them to enhance their manufacturing processes. Surat accounts for about 90 percent of the estimated Rs60,000 crore export of the precious stones from India.
‘Laser World of Photonics India' has taken this initiative to demonstrate the diverse use of Lasers and Photonics across different application industries," Dr. Arvind Patel, Managing Director, Sahajanand Laser Technology. He further added; "As leaders in the field of Lasers for the diamond market in Surat, we realise the importance of precision in diamond cutting and shaping with virtually no loss. The need to improve existing technology and process system with more advanced instruments has always been the driving force in the growth of laser application."
The textile industry also uses laser to cut and engrave fabrics. As compared to traditional methods, laser offers several advantages such as fast cutting speed, reduced time consumption, a non-contact cutting and no tool wear. Thus, using this technology would be more efficient and productive if the right method of laser cutting process is used to replace the conventional cutting methods.
Bhupinder Singh, Deputy CEO - MMI India Pvt. Ltd said, "The Laser World of Photonics India roadshow series is our effort to educate and highlight the importance of lasers and photonics across various applications. This technology offers immense precision and offers quick turnaround with minimum investment and less human interference. We hope that the attendees gain maximum information from these sessions."
The strength of lasers includes reduced manufacturing downtime, increased efficiency and accuracy hence increased productivity. This is one of the major reasons that despite uncertainty in the current economic scenario, companies look to invest in research and development in the arena of laser technology. This investment is the foundation for productive operations which will convert into profit in the near future for the concerned business.