Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) has been in the forefront of championing a productivity movement in Indian metal working industries by organising the National Productivity Summit.
This event showcases the best productivity improvement projects in metal working industries which have excelled in achieving superior performance through sustained productivity improvements.
IMTMA had organised a series of successful National Productivity Summits from 2006 to 2014. The ninth summit in the series was organised at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon, on 20 and 21 November 2015. The key highlights of the National Productivity Summit 2015 were the four inspiring keynote presentations, 4 interesting plant visits and 12 live case study presentations.
Plant visits
Plant visits to four companies were arranged on 19 November, one day prior to the summit. Hero Motocorp and Sona BLW Forging in Gurgaon, Hitech Gears and Honda Motorcycles & Scooters India in Bhiwadi were the four companies visited. Eighty delegates attended the plant visits where various productivity improvement measures being practised on the shop floor were demonstrated.
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