The Key note address on "Overview of the Indian Economy" was made by Arun Maira, Former Member, Planning Commission. He mentioned about the predictions that are misleading regarding the growth of the country as only 50% of predictions made by economists have seen some impact.
He gave an insight into the real India stating that 45% of Indian children suffer from mal-nourishment, only 31% Indians have adequate sanitation facilities, with a population of around 480 million people under the age of 18 years only 139 million people have access to clean drinking water.
He mentioned about the various hurdles India is today facing in the areas of Infrastructure, Land Environment, Inefficient regulations and Public services and delayed Projects. The areas of concern boil down from the Centre to State and finally the city or local bodies.
The vision for India would be with inclusive growth and democratic capitalism, a government and business that are more so of, for and by the people. He urged the industry to take a holistic approach on GDP growth and work for the inclusive growth for the welfare of the society.