A dedicated Start-up fund worth Rs. 10,000 crore will be created for funding of Start-ups.
Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha together account for over one-fourth share (26.6 per cent) in the total outstanding investments
Says, India being a big commodity importer, is in a rather privileged position.
The current crude steel capacity in the country is 110 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA), which is envisaged to increase to 300 MTPA by the year 2025.
To develop a multi-location‚ National Institute of Manufacturing Technology (NIMT) for training, education and research in manufacturing technologies by leveraging the infrastructure...
The e-biz Mission Mode Project has simplified procedures and so far gives 20 Central G2B (Government to Business) services and 16 State/Municipal services, online.
A holistic approach is proposed in the upcoming draft Road Transport and Safety Bill 2014.
The US expected to become the most competitive manufacturing nation over the next five years, with the current leader China sliding into second position.
India ranked number one FDI destination in the world during the 1st half of 2015.
Changes can be expected within the next 18 months and steps are being taken on a war footing to recruit 1000 examiners and outsource work to institutions such as IITs.