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By Guest Author,

Added 24 November 2015

Walter tools at work in the toughest of machining conditions

Tool harmony is crucial
These figures and values are impressive, but for Achim Hoepfner they're just one side of the coin. For him, it's the ‘harmony' that's particularly important. By that, he means not just a harmonious relationship with the customer, but primarily, the way in which tools are effectively matched together.

Mr Hoepfner explains: "In terms of the overall process and efficiency, one individual tool having a long tool life is no use at all. The tool life of one tool must fit in with the longevity of the other tools. Otherwise, I'd have to be constantly changing yet another tool, which costs both time and money."

It can therefore undoubtedly make sense not to fully exhaust the usability of a tool. This can increase the tool life in such a way that it corresponds to the tool life of the other tools. "The aim of harmonisation is to change as many tools at the same time, in order to minimise downtimes." Since application engineers are usually only familiar with the tools made by their own company, and know how these react to changes in parameters, Hoepfner recommends that a component should only be machined using the tools of a single manufacturer so that they can be ideally matched together.

Torben Braun is responsible for tool procurement at UKB. As far as he's concerned, service plays an important role alongside product features: "Collaboration must be straightforward and honest in order for such a project to succeed." Production Manager Peter Diehl adds: "For example, we were struck by the way in which Walter employees were able to identify machining parameters very precisely from the start. This allowed us to find an ideal solution very quickly."

The first project with Walter went so well that UKB has no intention of going without benefiting from this expertise in future: "We have other tasks, such as Hardox machining. That is also an extremely tough, difficult-to-machine material, for which we want to use a thread milling cutter from Walter." And Walter is already scheduled to participate in the next projects where special tools are involved.

Uwe Krumm, Managing Partner of UKB, adds: "I have seen how the Walter employees have dedicated themselves to their work with us here, and I can only say I take my hat off to them."
Source: Walter Tools AG